#Responsibility Quotes #Choices Quotes #Inspire Quotes
“It is absolutely correct to say that if you can't learn from the events of Nazi Germany, you will not be able to grasp the ... danger of the radical Muslim world today. You are simply hiding.”
“The full acting out of the self's surrender to God therefore demands pain: this action, to be perfect, must be done from the pure will to obey, in the absence, or in the teeth, of inclination”
“If there is a nuclear tactic being used here, I submit it is the use of that obstruction where a willful minority blocks a bipartisan majority from voting on the President's judicial nominees.”
“I have two mini huskies called Woody Guthrie and Edison Guthrie.”
“I don't think I could live with anybody. I had roommates, and it's not for me. I like my space!”
“I still can't believe I won the Olympics. That's what I feel right now - completely alive as a human being. It's a really beautiful moment.”
“Happy couples make it a habbit to refocus. Because it's quite normal to be distracted. So they talk. They get away for a while. They pray. They go on a marriage retreat. They take a second honeymoon or a 3rd, or 4th, or a 5th..”
“When you are present, your mind is silent. Free of opinions, concepts and beliefs and free of projections from the past and anxiety about the future, it is a perfectly clear instrument of expression. And the expression comes from the center of your Being.”
Ed Cunningham Film Producer
Joe Berlinger Documentary maker
Puff Daddy Rapper