#World Quotes #Today Quotes #Needs Quotes
“He that cannot forgive others breaks the bridge over which he must pass himself; for every man has need to be forgiven.”
“I'm not white. Why should I care about the future of white societies”
“Mistrust first impulses; they are nearly always good.”
“If we want to raise young adults who know how to solve problems, we must let them have problems to solve while they are still adolescents.”
“I've read in many a novel, that unless they've souls that grovel-- Folks prefer in fact a hovel to your dreary marble halls.”
Source : Charles Stuart Calverley (1872). “Fly leaves, by C.S.C.”, p.11
“So you come soon to power, but you have merely inherited the crisis and yours is the profit of cancer.”
“Boy, those Germans have a word for everything!”
“Beauty is the product of the dominant ideology. (Thus when ideology changes, the ideal body follows.) We can see that in the history of art.”
Catherine Booth
Evangeline Booth
Samuel Logan Brengle Author
William Booth Preacher
Catherine Bramwell-Booth