#Thinking Quotes #President Quotes #United States Quotes
“I put my money in the bank: I have to think of life after modeling, when I'm not famous any more.”
Source : William Tyndale (1848). “Doctrinal treatises and introductions to different portions of the Holy Scriptures”, p.135
“I have legs of iron, but to tell you the truth, they're starting to rust and buckle a bit.”
“The gift is to the giver, and comes back most to him - it cannot fail”
Source : Interview with John Sears, RTNDA Communicator (RTNDA - Radio Television Digital News Association), Volume 54, August 2000.
“To be a saint does not exclude fine dresses nor a beautiful house.”
Source : Katharine Tynan (1928). “The Respectable Lady”
Barack Obama
44th U.S. President
Bobby Jindal
Governor of Louisiana
George Pataki
Former Governor of New York
Jeb Bush
Former Governor of Florida
Jim DeMint
Former United States Senator
John McCain
United States Senator
Rand Paul
United States Senator
Ted Cruz
United States Senator
Thomas Ravenel