“I'm a firm believer that the wild-card teams, because they're grinding it out until the final days, have a tremendous amount of excitement. That excitement carries over into the playoffs and really helps.”
“The irony is that what was supposed to be a great vulnerability of Hillary Clinton , which the Iraq war vote which she has acknowledged was a terrible mistake, has lent an aura of strength in a funny way.”
Source : Source: www.msnbc.com
“To be seen and to be respected for my work and acknowledged as a true American Latina... means a lot to me.”
“Delivering the State of the Union? That bloke couldn't deliver pizza.”
“I never set fire to a piano. I'd like to have got away with it, though. I pushed a couple of them in the river. They wasn't any good.”
Source : Esquire, January 2010.
“There is no release In a bodkin or disease, Nor can there be a work so great As that which cleans man's dirty slate.”
“Careers are funny things. They begin mysteriously and, just as mysteriously, they can end.”
“The stillness of the early morning scene enables me to take in and enjoy many things which pass me by during the bustle of the day. First, there are the scents, which seem even more generous with their offerings than they are in the evening.”