#Soulmate Quotes #Moving Quotes #People Quotes
“The universal order and the personal order are nothing but different expressions and manifestations of a common underlying principle.”
“But, look, Washington is a town that creates myths for its own existence and its own amusement, and I was a subject of myth, sort of like Grendel in Beowulf - you know, not seen very often but often talked about.”
“The hardest thing about being an outcast isn’t the love you don’t receive. It’s the love you long to give that nobody wants.”
“None but those who have traveled, can appreciate the delight experienced from recalling in this way the interesting points of an interesting journey, and fighting, as it were, their battles over again.”
“The dictatorship of the Communist Party is maintained by recourse to every form of violence.”
“I have a great love for cuisine, so Im always interested in local food, and there are so many interesting dishes, spices and ingredients in India.”
“Luxury goods are the only area in which it is possible to make luxury margins.”
“In contrast to the speculators preoccupation with rapid gain, value investors demonstrate their risk aversion by striving to avoid loss.”
Judy Tatelbaum Author
Nicholas Murray Butler Diplomat