#Freedom Quotes #Liberty Quotes #Realist Quotes
“When you are painting a landscape, assume the painting is real and the landscape is an illusion.”
Source : Source: www.nationnews.ca
“I don't know if you can articulate an instinct.”
Source : "My Brilliant Career: Kristen Wiig" by Rachel Rosenblit, www.elle.com. March 19, 2010.
“The secret to true happiness is low expectations and insensitivity.”
“I regard that man as lost, who has lost his sense of shame.”
Deng Xiaoping
Goh Chok Tong
Former Prime Minister of Singapore
Kishore Mahbubani
Lee Hsien Loong
Prime Minister of Singapore
Li Ka-shing
Mahathir Mohamad
Former Prime Minister of Malaysia
S. R. Nathan
Former President of Singapore
Tunku Abdul Rahman
Former Prime Minister of Malaysia
Najib Razak
Prime Minister of Malaysia