Source : "Kibaki 'Open to Opposition Talks'". January 03, 2008.
#Leader Quotes #Political Quotes #Violence Quotes
“None are so empty as those who are full of themselves.”
Source : Benjamin Whichcote, Anthony Tuckney (1753). “Moral and religious aphorisms [collected by J. Jeffery from the papers of B. Whichcote]. Now re-publ., with additions, by S. Salter. To which are added, Eight letters: which passed between dr. Whichcote, and dr. Tuckney”, p.155
Source : "'Serpent' Film Explores, Revives Lost Cultural Knowledge For Colombians". "Weekend Edition Sunday" with Tom Cole, February 21, 2016.
“It was only about sixty years ago that the expansion of the universe was first observed.”
Idi Amin
Former President for Life
Jakaya Kikwete
President of the United Republic of Tanzania
Jomo Kenyatta
Former Prime Minister of Kenya
Michela Wrong
Paul Kagame
President of Rwanda
Robert Mugabe
President of Zimbabwe
Wangari Maathai
Political Activist
Yoweri Museveni
President of Uganda
Raila Odinga
Former Prime Minister of Kenya