Source : "Rob Pike Responds". Slashdot Interview, October 18, 2004.
#Listening Quotes #Language Quotes #Unix Quotes
Source : Yoko Ogawa (2009). “The Housekeeper and the Professor: A Novel”, p.34, Picador
“To brisk notes in cadence beating, glance their many-twinkling feet.”
“Peak performers see the ability to manage change as a necessity in fulfilling thier missions.”
“The only thing harder than getting a new idea into the military mind is to get an old one out.”
Source : "What's Up With All These Planes Landing At The Wrong Airport?" by Robert Bateman, February 10, 2014.
Source : Source:
“Excuses are used to justify leaving the scene of truth without changing.”
Bjarne Stroustrup
Brian Kernighan
Computer Scientist
Dennis Ritchie
Computer Scientist
Donald Knuth
Computer Scientist
Douglas McIlroy
Eric Schmidt
Software Engineer
Ken Thompson
Computer Designer
Larry Page
Business magnate
Sergey Brin
Computer Scientist