“Trying to talk somebody out of the stuff that they enjoy in life is like trying to talk them out of their faith or their sexuality. It’s a pointless exercise that can never be anything but acrimonious and will only highlight unnecessary amounts of difference about things that ultimately don’t really matter. Buy the steak you like, worship the god you love, neck with the people that you treasure and don’t worry about the numbers.”
“It's very clear, under anyone's scenario, that it's a massive, extensive undertaking regardless of where you might ultimately draw the line as to when the nuisance is abated.”
“A solitary being is by instinct a wanderer ...”
Source : Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley (2015). “The Last Man”, p.583, Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley
“My family is from the South, and I can remember all those ladies I grew up with, like my great-aunts, who had handkerchiefs. There's something sweet about them.”
“Your story is the greatest legacy that you will leave to your friends.It's the longest-lasting legacy you will leave to your heirs.”
“Freedom has cost too much blood and agony to be relinquished at the cheap price of rhetoric.”
“I fancy myself as being a fairly competent person.”
Source : "Lisa Ling Helps Women Share Compassion Through Secrets". "Tell Me More" with Michel Martin, www.npr.org. December 24, 2010.
“Sometimes we need to speak oddly to see clearly.”
Source : Galen Strawson (2017). “The Subject of Experience”, p.59, Oxford University Press