#Gymnastics Quotes #Body Quotes #Arms Quotes
Source : "The Art of Living". Book by Andre Maurois, 1939.
“There's no reason someone who has fought for their country should be homeless of jobless.”
“Every time you write a poem it’s apocalyptic. You’re revealing who you really are to yourself.”
“God doesn't need a lot to do a lot. All David had was five stones. And all David used was one.”
“Faith is not merely you holding on to God- it is God holding on to you”
Source : "Narciso Rodriguez: Designer Of Michelle Obama’s Election Night Dress Looks Back". Interview with Rachel Strugatz, www.huffingtonpost.com. March 18, 2010.
“It is dangerous, at any time, to multiply sources of weakness.”
“The world is run by those who show up.”
Source : Philadelphia University Commencement Speech, steveblank.com. May 15, 2011.