Source : "Song: 'Pack Up Your Troubles in Your Old Kit Bag'". 1915.
#Littles Quotes
“The minute I think I'm getting mellow, I'm retiring. Who ever heard of a mellow winner?”
“I'm gonna pray for him.”
“The range in brightness from the purple glow [of the sunset] to the dark sky above is too great for most films, and naturally it is beyond the range of printed pictures.”
“For 'Rocky II,' I got a torn pectoral muscle, I got all beat up inside, I had to have an operation to splice things back together.”
“Real equality in films is going to take time and will directly reflect our society. So ladies, please speak up at home, at work, at school, everywhere. As more women continue to find their place in Hollywood we have to keep pushing for more dynamic and strong women's roles.”
Source : Source:
“One of the great things about this cast is that we've been able to take actors of relatively the same age group that would never usually meet. You know, like bridging the comedy/drama world that for some reason casting directors never really want to bridge or you get into one community and that's kind of it.”
“Hollywood can buy a lot of pieces of the puzzle, but the great thing is they can never buy word of mouth.”
“As more and more people awaken to the threats against our basic rights online, we must start a debate - everywhere - about the web we want.”
Bobby McFerrin Vocalist
Herbert Adams Gibbons Journalist
Kit Carson Trapper