“I try to leave some space in my mind for things to surprise me or change my mind, I think that's important.”
“Facebook is massive in scale and scope. Twitter is a public communication forum, but if I'm following you, you're not necessarily following me. LinkedIn is, simply, a professional network.”
“It's funny that I got to do 'On the Road' because the thing that had the biggest impact on me growing up was reading books. I was very inspired by the book and this spirit of Dean Moriarty and how envious we all are of somebody who can be that carefree.”
Source : Interview with Jeff Bridges, www.interviewmagazine.com. November 27, 2012.
“Really, according to the shrinks, I am angry at everyone ever. Especially them. I am all anger and resentment all the time. Not one of them has ever suggested that maybe I lie because the world is better the way I tell it.”
“We must strive to move forward in life, by acknowledging the forces that are thrusted upon ourselves by means of fear, and relinquish them by our ways of hope.”
“People are really trying their best. Just like being happy and sad, you will find yourself on both sides of the equation many times over your lifetime, either saying or hearing the wrong thing. Let's all give each other a pass, shall we?”
Source : David Rakoff (2010). “Half Empty”, p.217, Anchor
“More is accomplished by spending time in God's presence than by doing anything else.”
Source : Heidi Baker (2014). “Birthing the Miraculous: The Power of Personal Encounters with God to Change Your Life and the World”, p.20, Charisma Media
“But God, who is ableto prevail, wrestled with him, as the Angel did with Jacob, and marked him; marked him for his own.”