#Men Quotes #Praise Quotes
“I would have turned any offer down, if it had turned into a thriller. I would have seen no point in a thriller here. I don't need to entertain people, on top of what we were doing. It's not a question of whether he did it or not. I would have thought that was banal and uninteresting, and I wouldn't care. And it could have also turned into a shoot-out because there were a lot of guns in the film.”
“Twelve to 15 years of acting school, and I am being a bird.”
“SafeTrack - I keep saying this - is not going to fix Metro. It's a speeded up track work program, compressing three years of already planned work on the track bed into about a year.”
“Emma McChesney was engaged in that nerve-wracking process known as getting things out of the way. When Emma McChesney aimed to get things out of the way she did not use a shovel; she used a road-drag.”
“When is the last time you saw a Lamborghini sale?”
“Our thinking absolutely affects the physical body.”
“As long as the music stayed hot and important and good, that there would always be a reason for 'Soul Train,'”
Source : "Don Cornelius is a businessman with soul", www.today.com. March 9, 2006.
“I like extravagance. Letters which give the postman a stiff back to carry, books which overflow from their covers, sexuality which bursts the thermometers.”