Source : "Iain Duncan Smith: I will tackle root causes of poverty" by Nicholas Watt and Patrick Wintour, May 26, 2010.
#Past Quotes #Careers Quotes #Ladders Quotes
“Responsibilities are given to him on whom trust rests. Responsibility is always a sign of trust.”
“To all those who walk the path of human cooperation war must appear loathsome and inhuman.”
“In contrast to reincarnation and karma, all other views seem petty and narrow”
Source : "Lee Daniels and Gabby Sidibe". Interview with Nathan Rabin, November 5, 2009.
Damian Green
British Politician
David Cameron
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Eddie Izzard
George Osborne
British Politician
Michael Gove
British Politician
Theresa May
British Politician
William Hague
British Politician
Chris Grayling
British Politician