“I know more English than Spanish, but I'm always a little embarrassed.”
Source : Source: www.interviewmagazine.com
“There's no system foolproof enough to defeat a sufficiently great fool.”
Source : "Nuclear Reactions". "Omni" Magazine, May 1988.
“I think the quality of something like the Beveridge, for instance, will have a life of its own.”
“I've always had to force myself to make friends and speak to people. My parents were quiet, and it took me a while to get used to the fact that people talk about their feelings, their problems.”
“I have always tried to be a woman who protects other women. I have a sister, I have daughters, I have girlfriends, and I was raised by a feminist mother.”
“Photography speaks a universal language that does not need translation, and with an immediacy that the written word lacks. It freezes a moment in time, leaving an indelible image.”
“Killing rips the soul apart.”
“If you could hear the insane stuff going on in my head, it would scare the hell out of you. Probably. Or fascinate you. Depends on how easily you're startled, I guess.”
Source : "Sassy Bloggess Jenny Lawson Mandates Cheesecake for Everyone...and for You to Read Her (Mostly True) Memoir, Out Today". Interview with Meredith Turits, www.glamour.com. April 17, 2012.