#Running Quotes #Epidemics Quotes #Moral Quotes
Source : James Boswell, Mark Harris (1981). “The heart of Boswell: six journals in one volume”, McGraw-Hill Companies
“Messi could be the best player in the world - if he was human.”
Source : Kevin Hearne (2014). “The Iron Druid Chronicles 6-Book Bundle: Hounded, Hexed, Hammered, Tricked, Trapped, Hunted”, p.716, Del Rey
Source : "A Minute With: James Franco on villains and being James Franco". Interview with Piya Sinha-Roy, www.reuters.com. November 27, 2013.
Source : "A Fish Dinner in Memison". Book by Eric Rucker Eddison, 1941.
Asha-Rose Migiro
Tanzanian Politician
Ban Ki-moon
Helen Clark
Former Prime Minister of New Zealand
Irina Bokova
Bulgarian Politician
Luc Montagnier
Melinda Gates