#Generations Quotes #Development Quotes #Next Quotes
“The summer Night comes brooding down on Earth, As Love comes brooding down on human hearts, With bliss that hath no utterance save rich tears. She floats in fragrance down the smiling dark, Foldeth a kiss upon the lips of Life-- Curtaineth into rest the weary world-- And shuts us in with all our hid delights.”
“I'm always impressed with what young people can do before older people tell them it's impossible”
“You can tell I have kids right? Just so I don't break out into a Barney tune here in three minutes.”
“We like the idea that the things we do seem to come out of nowhere.”
Source : Source: pitchfork.com
“Liberals could live their whole lives never having to hear an actual conservative opinion other than the idiotic arguments written for conservative characters on Aaron Sorkin's little teleplays.”
“The bondage we are born into is the bondage we cannot see. Verily, freedom is little more than the ignorance of tyranny. Live long enough, and you will see: Men resent not the whip so much as the hand that wields it.”
“To achieve big things you have to have big dreams.”
“Lyon are the same away from home as they are at home, they have the same way of playing.”
Leonard Sax Psychologist