“Unlike scandal-monger Ed Klein’s fantastical No. 1 best-selling narrative about the supposed Blood Feud between the Clintons and the Obamas, Halper’s study is juicy and gossipy, yet scrupulously researched, drawing on numerous on-the-record conversations (as well as many not-for-attribution interviews) with prominent Democrats and Clinton insiders, past and present.”
“Anyway, this huge Lena Dunham interview in Playboy. It felt like a shifting, of some kind. This new female archetype - this new, powerful, honest, non-pandering kind of female is becoming more powerful than whatever else has been rocking it for the past 10 years. I heard that Hugh Hefner's daughter is taking over. Which, if a woman is running Playboy, something is right.”
Source : Source: www.interviewmagazine.com
“Why had his mother gone to the trouble of bringing him into the world if the most exciting moment in his life was having been made lame by a bayonet?”
Source : Félix J. Palma (2012). “The Map of Time: A Novel”, p.149, Simon and Schuster
“Having a real public outlet is how you imprint something for yourself. It's just a matter of timing. It's like you've marked your territory.”
“If I've been hurt, I'm not one of those people who can hide it or bury it deep within. I give myself time to work through it, cry, journal, pray, call my best friends. Then I try to take a step back and get perspective. I try to remind myself of all the positive things in my life and do my best to let it go.”
“When I see things, I speak my mind. But I'm a quiet leader, if anything.”
Source : Source: bleacherreport.com
“If you go back and you look at the presidency over the course of history, presidents tend to do what they campaigned on. In the 20th century, presidents between Woodrow Wilson and Jimmy Carter accomplished 73 percent of the things that they said they would do as candidates. Part of that is because once they get into office, their credibility, their ability to do anything depends on doing the things that they said they would.”
Source : Source: www.npr.org
“It always seemed to me a bit pointless to disapprove of homosexuality. It's like disapproving of rain.”
Source : "UK Politics 'Your Family Matters Most'". The Sunday Times Interview, news.bbc.co.uk. November 15, 1998.