“A woman is faithful to her first lover for a long time - unless she happens to take a second.”
“Sadly, a lot of what passes for feminism these days is just moaning about men, congratulating ourselves on nothing in particular, and mocking them for being big kids while doing everything we can to keep them that way.”
Source : "Spare me from the whining women who are giving feminism a bad name" by Julie Burchill, www.theguardian.com. January 28, 2012.
“The myths connected with individual sanctuaries and ceremonies were merely part of the apparatus of the worship; they served to excite the fancy and sustain the interest of the worshipper... no one cared what he believed about its origin.”
Source : William Robertson Smith (1907). “Religion of the Semites (Ppr)”, p.11, Transaction Publishers
“I never agree with the compliments paid to it. It is not a great healer. It is an indifferent and perfunctory one. Sometimes it does not heal at all. And sometimes when it seems to, no healing has been necessary.”
“The other reason women wanted daughters was to keep their memories alive.”
“Indifference must be a crime in us, to be ranked but one degree below treachery; for deserting the commonwealth is next to betraying it.”
“In this time of globalization, with all its advantages, the poor are the most vulnerable to having their traditions, relationships and knowledge and skills ignored and denigrated, and experiencing development with a great sense of trauma, loss and social disconnectedness.”
“Brethren, we are all sailing home; and by and by, when we are not thinking of it, some shadowy thing (men call it death), at midnight, will pass by, and will call us by name, and will say, "I have a message for you from home; God wants you; heaven waits for you.”