“Many [book] even lay flat in the floor open. Their spines upward. Elinor couldn't bear to look! Didn't the monster know that was the way to break a book's neck?”
“People showed me this way of dealing with music, writing songs, thinking about music and shows and our community and the fact that it doesn't have to be about being popular or fashion or making money.”
Source : Source: theindiespiritualist.com
“Ideally if I settled down with a wife I would love to form my own troupe of mini dancers!”
“I have realized after all these years that a city that has a good quality of life attracts jobs. People don't want to invest in places if there is no quality of life.”
Source : "Maverick mayor: 'Eco-architecture not ego-architecture!'". Interview with Zara Bilgrami, www.cnn.com. June 6, 2008.
“Far too many people spend a lifetime headed in the wrong direction. They go not only from the cradle to the cubicle, but then to the casket, without uncovering their greatest talents and potential.”
“It's always great to work with masters, people who are really, truly good at what they do.”
“I think having an uncompromising ideology eventually forces you out of the norm.”
Source : The Believer interview, logger.believermag.com. September 23, 2014.
“People think Paris [Hilton] is a ditzy blond, and I don't want to blow it for her, but she plays it really well. She knows exactly what she's doing. She's actually a pretty smart person. She's very cognizant of what she's doing, and she kind of plays that role, so people think she's some airhead but she's really not.”
Source : Source: www.mediaite.com