#Impact Quotes #Ecosystems Quotes #Play Quotes
Source : Philip Morin Freneau (1861). “Poems on Various Subjects: But Chiefly Illustrative of the Events and Actors in the American War of Independence”, p.293
“Reality TV is sleazy, it is manipulative. It is as momentary as anything in popular culture.”
“Ice hockey is a form of disorderly conduct in which the score is kept.”
“If you're not actively involved in getting what you want, you don't really want it.”
Source : Peter McWilliams (1997). “Life 101: Everything We Wish We Had Learned about Life in School--but Didn't”, Mary Book / Prelude Press
Bridget Fonda
Clare Boothe Luce
Former U.S. Congresswoman
Jane Fonda
Margaret Sullavan
Film actress
Peter Fonda
Roger Vadim
Ted Turner
Tom Hayden
Social activist
Troy Garity
Film actor