#Warrior Quotes #Looks Quotes #Movement Quotes
“The tasks I set out for myself are what I do to beat the perfect pointlessness of life.”
Source : Alexis Soyer (1851). “The Modern Housewife: Or, Ménagère. Comprising Nearly One Thousand Receipts, for the Economic and Judicious Preparation of Every Meal of the Day, and Those for the Nursery and Sick Room; and Minute Directions for Family Management in All Its Branches. Illustrated with Engravings Including the Modern Housewife's Unique Kitchen, and Magic Stove”, p.198
“Short as life is, we make it still shorter by the careless waste of time.”
Source : William Gurnall (1865). “The Christian in Complete Armour: A Treatise of the Saints' War Against the Devil, Wherein a Discovery is Made of that Grand Enemy of God and His People, in His Policies, Power, Seat of His Empire, Wickedness, and Chief Design He Hath Against the Saints : a Magazine Opened, from Whence the Christian is Furnished with Spiritual Arms for the Battle, Helped on with His Armour, and Taught the Use of His Weapon, Together with the Happy Issue of the Whole War”, p.53
A. M. Rosenthal
Arthur Ochs Sulzberger
Arthur Ochs Sulzberger, Jr.
Bill Ford
Charles Koch
Jon Katz
Joseph Pulitzer
Vincent Laforet