#Grateful Quotes #Sacrifice Quotes #Men Quotes
“I don't believe in depriving myself of any food or being imprisoned by a diet.”
Source : "Interview – PHP’s Creator, Rasmus Lerdorf". Interview wit Kevin Yank, www.sitepoint.com. May 22, 2002.
“Woman has this in common with angels, that suffering beings belong especially to her.”
“I have no idea what my persona would be. As far as I'm concerned, I'm changing all the time.”
Al Gore
Former Vice President of the United States
Bart Gordon
Former U.S. Representative
Bill Frist
Former United States Senator
Bob Corker
United States Senator
Fred Thompson
Former United States Senator
Jim Cooper
U.S. Representative
Lamar Alexander
United States Senator
Marsha Blackburn
United States Representative
Phil Bredesen
Former Governor of Tennessee