#Waste Quotes #Done Quotes #Wasting Time Quotes
“No government likes the clever and the honorable men, because it is impossible to bridle them; they are independent!”
“People of faith should not invoke the power of the state to decide what everyone can believe or think or read or do. In such cases, like abortion or prayer or prohibition or sexual identity, the proper role of religion is to appeal to the free conscience of each person, not the coercive rule of secular law.”
“The future is called 'perhaps,' which is the only possible thing to call the future. And the important thing is not to allow that to scare you.”
“No. I don't have the patience, and I'm not very tactful. People say I can be frightening.”
“Don't be daunted. Just do your job. Continue to show up for your piece of it, whatever that might be. If your job is to dance, do your dance. If the divine, cockeyed genius assigned to your case decides to let some sort of wonderment be glimpsed, for just one moment through your efforts, then 'Ole!' And if not, do your dance anyhow. And 'Ole!' to you, nonetheless. I believe this and I feel that we must teach it. 'Ole!' to you, nonetheless, just for having the sheer human love and stubbornness to keep showing up.”
“There are many writers who have influenced me and who I enjoy reading, but Lucille Clifton and Gwendolyn Brooks are at the top of the list.”
“The worst disgrace that can befall a producer is an unkind notice from a New York reviewer. When this happens, the producer becomes a pariah in Hollywood. He is shunned by his friends, thrown into bankruptcy, and like a Japanese electing hara-kiri, he commits suttee.”
Source : "Strictly from Hunger". "The Most of S. J. Perelman", p. 47, 1992.
“I had travelled pretty widely around the world even before then, so I knew where to go to film wildlife.”