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#Thinking Quotes #America Quotes #People Quotes
“My mother was a phoenix who always expected to rise from the ashes of her latest disaster. She loved being Judy Garland”
“I've won some pretty cool things in my life and I have a lot of great titles.”
“If only I knew what I wanted I could try to see about getting it.”
“God save us from religion.”
“There was a writer in the '20s called Christopher Morley, who I remember a little bit of, who had some influence on me, but I couldn't tell you what it was.”
“There's a stability and growth pact which was agreed for the eleven countries which tries to limit the size of budget deficits among the eleven countries.”
“The simple-minded always look for something - if it's not pornography, it's DVDs or the Internet or video games - but I don't think there's anything inherently evil about Facebook.”
“As you become more present in your own life, you will begin to enlighten others by your example.”
Dave Kellett Cartoonist
Rob Thomas Author
Malcolm Goodwin Actor