“If men don’t have to be aggressive in order to be accepted, women won’t feel compelled to be submissive. If men don’t have to control, women won’t have to be controlled.”
“I want to have roles in English.”
“Issue a blanket pardon. Forgive everyone who has ever hurt you in any way. Forgiveness is a perfectly selfish act. It sets you free from the past.”
“As a farm girl, even when I was quite young, I had my 'farm chores' - but I had time also to be alone, to explore the fields, woods and creek side. And to read.”
“The more I am in a position to be tried in faith with reference to my body, my family, my service for the Lord, my business, etc., the more shall I have opportunity of seeing God's help and deliverance; and every fresh instance, in which He helps and delivers me, will tend towards the increase of my faith.”
“Literature is the human activity that make the fullest and most precise account of variousness, possibility, complexity, and difficulty.”
Source : 1950 The Liberal Imagination, preface.
“Yes, time can be buoyed by wordlessness, but it needs to be anchored in words.”
“Our mothers give us so many gifts. They give us the precious gift of life, of course, but they also leave treasured lessons that can guide us along our journeys even when they are no longer with us.”
Source : "Maria Shriver: The gift my mother gave me" by Maria Shriver, www.today.com. May 7, 2013.