Source : "Exclusive: Eric Massa on 'Glenn Beck'". "The Glenn Beck Radio Program", March 9, 2010.
#Believe Quotes #Alive Quotes #Believe In God Quotes
“Retrospective analysis is not a useful guide to current problems.”
“There’s no such thing as technology in the singular, only technologies in the plural.”
Source : Franklin Pierce (1968). “Franklin Pierce, 1804-1869: chronology, documents, bibliographical aids”
Source : "Military Strategy? Who Needs It?" by William Hartung, March 26, 2015.
Source : "Social Security Is Not the Problem" by Rep. Hank Johnson, January 23, 2013.
Charles Rangel
U.S. Representative
David Paterson
Former Governor of New York
Glenn Beck
Radio host
Jim Bunning
Former U.S. Senator
Louise Slaughter
United States Representative
Mark Foley
U.S. Congressperson
Rahm Emanuel
Mayor of Chicago
Steny Hoyer
U.S. Representative
Tom Reed
U.S. Representative