“In the capitalist society there is a place and bread for all. Its ability to expand provides sustenance for every worker. Permanent unemployment is not a feature of free capitalism.”
“I find myself frequently placed where I dare give neither assent nor dissent to propositions that are submitted to me; for there is danger that any words I may speak shall be reported as something that the Lord has given me. It is not always safe for me to express my own judgment; for sometimes when someone wishes to carry out his own purpose, he will regard any favorable word I may speak as special light from the Lord”
“Understand that I'm at my best when it comes to proving a point, not only to show that I'm a better fighter and a better athlete at 40½ years old, but I'm at my best when I know I've got to beat the system again.”
“Really interesting things come because you don't know what the rules are, what you can and can't do.”
“Don't rely on others to show you the way. Carry your own map.”
“The quality of democracy and the quality of journalism are deeply entwined.”
Source : "Bill Moyer’s Speech – Nat’l Conf. for Media Reform". dailygrail.com. May 19, 2005.
“Oh, yes; the game was to just find something about everything to be glad about—no matter what 'twas”
Source : Eleanor Porter (2003). “Pollyanna”, ePenguin
“If it moves, privatize it, if it doesn't move, privatize it; since everything either moves or doesn't move, privatize everything.”
Source : Reddit AMA, www.reddit.com. April 23, 2014.