“Houses mean a creation, something new, a shelter freed from the idea of a cave.”
Source : Stephen Gardiner (2002). “The House: Its Origins and Evolution”, Ivan R Dee
“I support a very active programme on disarmament and arms control for Iraq, and of course every other country in the world... That does not require economic sanctions...I think we've got to take the risk and give up economic sanctions while hanging on to the disarmament programme and allow the Iraqis to get on with rebuilding their country.”
“The photographic enthusiast likes to lure us into a darkened room in order to display his slides on a silver screen. Aided by the adaptability of the eye and by the borrowed light from the intense projector bulb, he can achieve those relationships in brightness that will make us dutifully admire the wonderful autumn tints he photographed on his latest trip. As soon as we look at a print of these photographs by day, the light seems to go out of them. It is one of the miracles of art that the same does not happen there.”
“With Mass Effect we said, "Let's reflect the fact that you can be almost anyone, do almost anything, but..." In our minds, we always felt the character was iconic.”
Source : Source: www.avclub.com
“No man should escape our universities without knowing how little he knows.”
Source : 1967 In Partisan Review, Summer issue.
“Many have become chess masters - no one has become the master of chess.”
“Anyone can desire anything, but if you're not going to commit, you're not getting it.”
“Sooner or later they are going to live in a New York City where gay marriage is not only legal, but it's common and they don't even notice.”
Source : "Democratic Mayoral Candidate Forum: Gay and Lesbian Issues". www.gothamgazette.com. April 11, 2005.