“What Rob Brezsny does with words is grammarye, the Old English term for magic. With his strange brew of macho feminism and poetic rationalism, Brezsny weaves a yarn crazy enough to be true and real enough to subvert the literalist virus of cynicism now immobilizing the collective mindscape.”
“I want people to know that there is nothing more badass than being yourself.”
“You don't need to be born with a silver spoon to reach for the brass ring”
Source : FaceBook post by Sandra Lee from Jan 14, 2013
“I wouldn't say that I'm aggressive in going out to find work and stuff like that. I just sort of, if something comes along, and it's something I like, and they want to hire me, I'll do it. I won't just do anything.”
Source : Interview with Steve Head, www.ign.com. August 01, 2003.
“I went to Israel when the missiles were falling there.”
“I can't read ten pages of Steinbeck without throwing up.”
Source : "Books: The Hermit of Lambertville". "TIME" Magazine, September 2, 1957.
“Creativity is the antidote to destruction.”
“You are mysterious, I love you. You’re beautiful, intelligent, and virtuous, and that’s the rarest known combination.”