Source : Nigel Rees Sayings of the Century (1984) p. 149
Harold Wilson#Long Quotes #Politics Quotes #Week Quotes
“If somebody don't like something that I do, that's his or her prerogative. Just like it's mine.”
Source : Source:
“A fly rod extends a fly fisher's being as surely as do imagination, empathy or prayer.”
Source : Edwin Booth, Edwina Booth Grossman (1894). “Edwin Booth: Recollections by His Daughter, Edwina Booth Grossmann, and Letters to Her and to His Friends”, New York : Century Company
Alec Douglas-Home
Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Anthony Eden
Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Clement Attlee
Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Edward Heath
Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Harold MacMillan
Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
James Callaghan
Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
John Major
Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Margaret Thatcher
Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Queen Elizabeth II