“We lost a young man’s life and it begins to represent so many things.”
Source : "Loretta Lynch Promises Police Reform In Baltimore". www.huffingtonpost.com. May 5, 2015.
“I really don't see the point of making music if you don't love it, and I'm lucky enough to say I love my music, and love the things I've made over the last couple of years and they bring me so much joy.”
Source : Source: brightestyoungthings.com
“Music is on a higher plane than everything else in this world.”
“I have three children, and they have never spent a minute unsupervised in their lives. My generation overcompensated like mad. I'm not even joking, every kid on my street [growing up] was molested. My kids would not have had an opportunity to molested, because they've never been alone, which is going to create a whole set of problems.”
“I am always hesitant to call myself an activist, mostly out of respect for the activists who are using their bodies and voices to protest or activists online who are constantly engaging and educating others.”
“Someone told me just recently that poets are eulogists. It's their job, to eulogize. I didn't know that, but it makes sense. Because in almost every poem of mine there is a loss.”
“The schools of the country are its future in miniature.”
Source : Tehyi Hsieh (1948). “Chinese epigrams inside out, and proverbs”
“At least I have precluded the possibility of peaking too early.”