Source : "Obama's on First Overseas Trip after Trump Elected; Obama to Greece: NATO is Absolutely Vital; Obama Travels to Greece Post- Election". "CNN Newsroom", November 15, 2016.
#Greek Quotes #Unemployment Quotes #Economy Quotes
“My work has changed my life. My work has saved my life. My life has changed my work.”
“Each succeeding day is the scholar of that which went before it.”
“The strength of a good friendship that goes the distance will be unconditional love.”
Source : Brian Houston (2013). “How To Maxmise Your Life”, p.53, Hillsong Music Australia
Angela Merkel
Chancellor of Germany
Antonis Samaras
Former Prime Minister of Greece
Evangelos Venizelos
Deputy Prime Minister of Greece
Jean-Claude Juncker
Former Prime Minister of Luxembourg
Jeroen Dijsselbloem
Dutch Politician
Wolfgang Schauble
Former Federal Minister of the Interior (Germany)
Yanis Varoufakis
Finance Minister of Greece
Martin Schulz
German Politician
Matteo Renzi
Prime Minister of Italy