Source : "Biography/ Personal Quotes".
“It's a great time to be an actress at this point in my life.”
Source : "Christine Baranski: Busy lady, Grinch love interest", November 20, 2000.
“The best rush in the world is getting something at 80 percent off.”
“And, of course men know best about everything, except what women know better.”
“There are not many people on Team Gary. Actually, it's two people. My kids.”
“There is no pleasure pure and simple, and some care always comes to mar our joys.”
Al Lopez
Baseball Manager
Bob Feller
Baseball player
Bob Lemon
Baseball Manager
Don Drysdale
Baseball player
Larry Doby
Baseball player
Lou Boudreau
Baseball player
Luke Appling
Baseball player
Nellie Fox
Baseball player
Warren Spahn
Baseball player