“A chip on the shoulder is too heavy a piece of baggage to carry through life.”
Source : Biography/Personal Quotes, www.imdb.com.
“If you can't be with the one you love, love the one you're with”
“As a young man you don't notice at all that you were, after all, badly affected. For years afterwards, at least ten years, I kept getting these dreams, in which I had to crawl through ruined houses, along passages I could hardly get through.”
“I don't know if there's a method that I'd like to see younger people bring back, I just want to see everyone of every age in the kitchen.”
Source : Source: live.washingtonpost.com
“Intuition is unconscious accumulated experience informing judgement in real time.”
“I enjoy the oohs! and aahs! from the gallery when I hit my drives. But I'm getting pretty tired of the awws! and uhhs! when I miss the putt.”
“I come from very common stock, and I've always been uncomfortable with pretension and all the forms it can take, including disingenuous broadcasting.”
Source : "Actually, Motel 6 Doesn't Leave the Light on for You". Interview with Kimberly D. Williams, adage.com. August 30, 2007.
“I keep attacking the villains, the know-nothings, the people who want to take our freedoms away.”