“You won't do our things with another girl, or say the same things, will you?”
“I visited Jobs for the last time in his Palo Alto, Calif., home. He had moved to a downstairs bedroom because he was too weak to go up and down stairs. He was curled up in some pain, but his mind was still sharp and his humor vibrant”
“Humor was the enemy of desire.”
“I like to think of photographing as a two-way act of respect. Respect for the medium, by letting it do what it does best, describe. And respect for the subject, by describing it as it is. A photograph must be responsible to both.”
“It took me a long time to reach the decision to retire, actually, from the Art Ensemble.”
“They did not want anything to do with me in Paris and they were right: they have gone much further than I, but I will work and I too will progress.”
“The love-making of the bluebird is as beautiful as the bird itself, and normally as gentle, unless interrupted by some jealous rival who would steal his bride; then gentleness gives place to active combat. The male usually arrives a few days ahead of the female, selects what he considers to be a suitable summer home, and carols his sweetest, most seductive notes day after day until she appears in answer to his call.”
Source : Arthur Cleveland Bent (1949). “Life histories of North American thrushes, kinglets, and their allies: order Passeriformes”
“We think our PS3 game is better than their Xbox game.”
Source : "EA CEO: Activision Knows It's 'Threatened' by Battlefield 3" by James Brightman, www.businessinsider.com. June 13, 2011.