#Creating Quotes #Energy Quotes #Exception Quotes
“If you think about it long enough, you'll see that it's obvious.”
Source : "Types and programming languages" by Benjamin C. Pierce, (p. 313), 2002.
“If you have no more happiness to give: Give me your pain.”
“If two New Hampshiremen aren't a match for the devil, we might as well give the country back to the Indians.”
“For now indeed is the race of iron; and men never cease from labour and sorrow by day and from perishing by night.”
“I have learned this: it is not what one does that is wrong, but what one becomes as a consequence of it.”
“While neurological studies have tried to identify components responsible for fear and greed, the impact on finance is less clear.”
“So next time someone complains that you have made a mistake, tell him that may be a good thing. Because without imperfection, neither you nor I would exist”
“There was no real controversy with All In The Family. That came from the people on the business end.”
Ervin Laszlo Philosopher
Ieyasu Tokugawa