“You jump off a cliff and you assemble an airplane on the way down.”
“I'm attracted to pathos, because life is mostly pathos. I've had a lot of it in my life.”
Source : Biography/Personal Quotes, www.imdb.com.
“When we look outside of that on which we depend we ignore our unity; looking outward we see many faces; look inward and all is one head. If a man could but be turned about, he would see at once God and himself and the All.”
Source : Plotinus (2015). “Delphi Complete Works of Plotinus - Complete Enneads (Illustrated)”, p.676, Delphi Classics
“The spirit world speaks to us through the heart. The more we open our hearts and raise our own vibrations, the easier the connection.”
“Satire is a composition of salt and mercury; and it depends upon the different mixture and preparation of those ingredients, that it comes out a noble medicine, or a rank poison.”
“This is the central illusion in life: that randomness is a risk, that it is a bad thing ...”
“I wake up every morning literally with a smile on my face, grateful for another day I never thought I'd see.”
“All of them fans in love with me 'cause I say what's real. So I could never give a f-ck how a hater feel.”