#Rhythm Of Life Quotes #Life Is Quotes #Easy Quotes
“A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity.”
“I don't think I'm ever going to get to the point where people run across a freeway to take a picture of me. I really don't see it getting to that level of hysteria unless I have an affair with the Queen of Sweden or something like that.”
“By the time they were pulling into the parking lot of the A&P, the mood was fading, the moment gone. Amy could feel it go. Perhaps it was nothing more than the two doughnuts expanding in her stomach full of milk, but Amy felt a heaviness begin, a familiar turning of some inward tide. As they drove over the bridge the sun seemed to move from a cheerful daytime yellow to an early-evening gold; painful how the gold light hit the riverbanks, rich and sorrowful, drawing from Amy some longing, a craving for joy.”
“Every thoughtful and kind-hearted person must regard with interest any device or plan which promises to enable at least the more intelligent, enterprising, and determined part of those who are not capitalists to cease to labor for hire.”
“If something doesn't look right, throw some glitter on it.”
“When the modern scholar cites from a classic text, the quotation seems to burn a hole in his own drab page.”
“When I was about 13 I realised girls weren't going to kiss me because I was a gigantic, weird looking creature from the depths. I was like 6 ft. aged 11.”
“No one actually lives as if there is no objective truth.”
Source : Source: www.biblegateway.com
Abhay Kumar Poet