#Reading Quotes #Cost Quotes #Movement Quotes
“When love and discipline come together you have great chemistry.”
“Our government shouldn't tell us where to travel and where not to travel.”
Source : "US move to end Cuba travel restrictions", www.theguardian.com. July 24, 2002.
“What problems?" "Well for starters.. you're an evil duck killer.”
“I abhor, too, the roaming lover, nor do I drink from every well; I loathe all things in common”
Source : Epigram 28 in R. Pfeiffer (ed.) 'Callimachus' (1949-53)
“I listen to a lot of music that teenagers are listening to because I'm around them.”
“Education is not solely about earning a great living. It means living a great life.”
Source : "Fictional character: Narrator". "Network", www.imdb.com. November 14, 1976.