“Music and art are two very different activities for me. However, the use of imagery links them, and invention is important for both.”
Source : Interview with Christian Filardo, logger.believermag.com. November 27, 2013.
“A face is too slight a foundation for happiness.”
“Knowledge has outstripped character development, and the young today are given an education rather than an upbringing.”
“I do want to have holidays and see my family and friends.”
Source : "Biography/ Personal Quotes". www.imdb.com.
“Don't decide that you're going to be a writer or musician and just expect it to happen because it's a big gamble and a lot less predictable than a conventional job. But you do increase the likelihood of success by working as hard as you can and holding yourself to the highest standard you can muster.”
Source : Source: blog.seagate.com
“Sloths actually are like furry living ecosystems all by themselves! Algae grows on their fur and they are also home to "sloth moths" who call them home and drink their tears.”
Source : Source: www.buzzfeed.com
“When looking at the brain, it is important to go beyond its structure to its function. This is because often in cognitive disorders, the structure of the brain is intact, but its function is compromised.”
Source : "Searching for roots of learning disorders" by Aditi Shankardass, www.cnn.com. July 13, 2010.
“I learned so much from other actors and they definitely didn't treat me like some sex bomb or bimbo. I felt fully accepted in the regular movie world. I didn't feel categorised.”