Source : "Out on the Right: On Being Gay, Conservative and Catholic". Interview with Markus Feldenkirchen and René Pfister, November 23, 2012.
#Home Quotes #Catholic Quotes #Mind Quotes
“So I don't really have a clear plan, in terms of music, as to where I want to head in the future.”
Source : Interview with Spence D., July 9, 2004.
“Why beer is better than wine: human feet are conspicuously absent from beer making.”
“As far as possible, I want nothing more than to don my training gi and teach Karate.”
Source : Source:
Source : Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche, Erik Pema Kunsang, Marcia Binder Schmidt (1994). “As It Is”, p.82, Rangjung Yeshe Publications
Angela Merkel
Chancellor of Germany
Wolfgang Schauble
Former Federal Minister of the Interior (Germany)
Horst Seehofer