#Cutting Quotes #Past Quotes #Shapes Quotes
“These algorithms, which I'll call public relevance algorithms, are-by the very same mathematical procedures-producing and certifying knowledge. The algorithmic assessment of information, then, represents a particular knowledge logic, one built on specific presumptions about what knowledge is and how one should identify its most relevant components. That we are now turning to algorithms to identify what we need to know is as momentous as having relied on credentialed experts, the scientific method, common sense, or the word of God.”
“We should all be obliged to appear before a board every five years and justify our existence... on pain of liquidation.”
“It's not about being right, it's about getting it right.”
“You apply the skills you use to produce your own book to make an anthology. Shaping. Rhythm.”
“I don't wanna be afraid, I wanna wake up feeling beautiful today, and know that I'm okay.”
“Everything changes all the time, and unfortunately, everyone who knows what you do by buying records only hears a small amount of what's going on in your life.”
“I'm not sitting around thinking of ideas for TV shows.”
“You offer a sincere compliment on a great mustache and suddenly she's not your friend.”
Janet Morris Author
Leo Rosten Teacher
Michael Z. Williamson Author