#Art Quotes #Bridges Quotes #Ideas Quotes
“That we suffer so much today under whatsoever flag we live is proof positive that constitutions and laws, when framed by the early advocates of human liberty, never included and were never intended for us as a people. It is only a question of sheer accident that we happen to be fellow citizens today with the descendants of those who, through their advocacy, laid the foundation for human rights.”
“I feel everything very strongly, and that is why I am an actress. I have made such clear connections between some of my chronic boo-boos in my body and emotion. It is kind of fascinating. I really feel like as a society, we need tap into that and embrace that more and more instead of wondering why we are sick.”
Source : Source: www.avclub.com
“The biggest surprise on the soulful journey to authenticity, whether as a philosophy or a spiritual path, is that the path is a spiral. We go up, but we go in circles. Eash time around, the view gets a little bit wider.”
“You want to teach all kids the skills that are on the better side of human nature: empathy, appreciating how one's behavior is affecting other people, resolving disagreements in ways that do not involve conflict, taking another's perspective, honesty.”
“If I was ever to ask advice, it could be from any actor or showrunner or writer. I wouldn't necessarily ask an animate. I don't want to say that the wrong way, but animation's not really my world.”
“The surest path to safe streets and peaceful communities is not more police and prisons, but ecologically sounds economic development. And that same path can lift us to a new, green economy - one with the power to lift people out of poverty while respecting and repairing the environment.”
Source : Van Jones (2008). “The Green Collar Economy: How One Solution Can Fix Our Two Biggest Problems”, HarperOne
“I think popular music in this country is one of the few things in the twentieth century that have made giant strides in reverse.”
“I think the support of the other team at AOL and everybody's really shared passion and belief about this and - saying that some day everybody was going to be on line.”
Arnold Friberg Illustrator