“The superior power of population cannot be checked without producing misery or vice.”
Source : Thomas Robert Malthus (1959). “Population: The First Essay”, p.13, University of Michigan Press
“I would argue that the next President, either Bush or Gore, should strike a 'national' posture, exhibiting generosity toward the defeated opponent, but proceeding with determination to implement an agenda.”
“A picture can be funny and also weep inducing. One cries for many reasons. The state of weeping, for me, is induced by recognition of a rarified level of integration - thinking about what must it have taken to reach that integration.”
Source : Source: www.interviewmagazine.com
“That guy in a twenty-five cent bleacher seat is as much entitled to know a call as the guy in the boxes. He can see my arm signal even if he can't hear my voice.”
“I'm a candle flame that sways in currents of air you can't see. You need to be the one who steadies me to burn.”
Source : Nadine Gordimer (1998). “The House Gun: A Novel”, p.54, Macmillan
“Like a hero in a dream, Christ came and He rescued me.”
“By heart we believe and by mouth confess the one Church, not of heretics but the Holy Roman, Catholic, and Apostolic Church outside which we believe that no one is saved.”
“Rumor is untraceable, incalculable, and infectious.”