“Some people are oil and water.”
Source : John Christopher (2013). “The Pool of Fire”, p.66, Simon and Schuster
“It is among uneducated women that we may look for the most confirmed gossips. Goethe tells us there is nothing more frightful than bustling ignorance.”
“The principal mark of genius is not perfection, but originality.”
“Usually if you read a screenplay, no matter who's writing it, the bad guy is always written as a one-dimensional bad guy.”
Source : The Tavis Smiley Show, www.pbs.org. November 10, 2011.
“I was a pin-up girl. I did it for 30 years and, quite frankly, it gets a bit boring.”
“I'm not surprised, but I am disappointed that Katharine Carr Esters claims that she was 'tricked' into divulging her true feelings about Oprah and that she now denies that she revealed to me the identity of Oprah's biological father.”
Source : "Oprah’s Aunt Katharine’s Denials May Be Pressure From Oprah" by Kitty Kelley, www.huffingtonpost.com. June 20, 2010.
“Growing up, I knew you were supposed to have a profession - and something better than being a shopkeeper, which is what my parents were.”
“The fact that oppressive and corrupt regimes can borrow money in the name of the whole country means that the country's future generations will be weighed down by interest and repayment burdens, even if the money has been frittered away in some frivolous way, embezzled or used for weapons to suppress the country's population.”
Source : Source: www.truth-out.org