“This whole business of all these lenses is ridiculous. You know, it's like you have to capture your picture. You have to create it. You have to see it. You have to seize it and you have to move in to get it, so those lenses are just an escape of some sort or a shield.”
Source : Interview with Austin Allen, bigthink.com. April 21, 2010.
“I have some cops in my family. I understand the predicament that they're in. Sometimes they go into it just to pay the bills or because they don't have other choices, or sometimes they just want to get the gun.”
“Thought = creation. If these thoughts are attached to powerful emotions (good or bad) that speeds the creation”
“I think you have moments of doubt and moments where it feels really hard. You certainly have to be patient, and I'm a very impatient person. It's been like when Yoda teaches Luke to be a Jedi; the things that I do professionally have taught me new levels of patience.”
Source : Source: www.interviewmagazine.com
“I frankly admit to not knowing who I am. This is why I refuse to buy clothes that will tell people who I want them to think I am.”
“The most reliable joy is to be out of doors, to be a creature among other creatures. I find it very restful.”
Source : "Uncommon Knowledge - Dr. Ursula Goodenough". Interview by Jeannette Batz Cooperman, www.stlmag.com. July 2005.
“We learn our sexual preferences and orientations.”
“I think 'ambitious' is one of those adjectives used for women in a derogatory way.”
Source : "'I'm going to glam up': Clare Balding nervous ahead of prime time TV role" by Simon Boyle, www.mirror.co.uk. December 28, 2012.