“It's easier to stay in shape if you never let yourself get out of shape in the first place.”
“A woman today knows that the power of her femininity is very important.”
Source : FaceBook post by Oscar de la Renta from Nov 11, 2010
“The thing that drives me nuts is when I get stopped in a crowded place, and they look at me and say, 'Who are you?' I don't know if they're friends or fans, and I say, 'I'm Annabella Sciorra', and they say, 'What have you done?' So I start to give them my resume. It's so embarrassing.”
Source : "Biography / Personal Quotes". www.imdb.com.
“The sequence is suffering, insight, will, action, change.”
Source : Allen Wheelis (1970). “The desert”
“My grandfather was a teacher, my grandmother on my mom's side, four of my aunts, my sister-in-law, my best friend. So I've always, my entire life, been surrounded by teachers, and because of that I've had a tremendous respect for what teachers can do, the power that they can have.”
Source : Source: www.pbs.org
“Some women don't care how their quilts look. They piece the squares together any sort of way, but she couldn't stand careless sewing. She wanted her quilts, and Joy's, made right. Quilts stay a long time after people are gone from this world, and witness about them for good or bad. She wanted people to see, when she was gone, that she'd never been a shiftless or don't-care woman.”
Source : Julia Mood Peterkin (1927). “Black April: A Novel”, p.128, University of Georgia Press
“I was lucky enough to attend schools where they were understanding about when I needed to go abroad to play chess. Of course, socially it is important to go to school and interact with people your own age.”
“I have always believed that chemistry can't be created between two people. You either have it or you don't. The script can only enhance it.”