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#Mean Quotes #Responsibility Quotes #Law Quotes
“The key to all sciences is unquestionably the question mark. To the word How? we owe most of our greatest discoveries. Wisdom in life may perhaps consist in asking ourselves on all occasions: Why?”
“I have come to think of violence as a self-perpetuating mania of the power of the aggressive over those less strong.”
“It is not merely cruelty that leads men to love war, it is excitement.”
“Sometimes I miss the spirit of London, but it's a very gray place.”
“In my hands the means... In my heart the will.”
“I would comment on the scene, but I've never kissed a woman so I don't really have anything to add...”
“I work continuously within the shadow of failure. For every novel that makes it to my publisher's desk, there are at least five or six that died on the way. And even with the ones I do finish, I think of all the ways they might have been better.”
“The most influential thing was the two Chris Rock specials that came out when I was in high school. I was obsessed with that stuff.”
Elizabeth Catlett Sculptor
Romare Bearden Artist