“The very first things that I did, even in theater, were bad guys. They are meaty roles for the most part. With the bad guy you have more freedom to experiment and go further out than with a good guy.”
Source : Interview with Logan Hill, www.gq.com. May 31, 2012.
“We had two goals...One was to cherish every moment together, cherish the journey because the journey allows you to learn and grow. The other was to win a gold medal.”
“The most brilliant qualities become useless when they are not sustained by force of character.”
“A day may sink or save a realm.”
“I never thought of myself as a mogul, but it's really great to be in that position.”
“Women have helped shape our world, yet still do not receive the recognition and compensation they deserve.”
Source : "Our Commitment to Women’s Success Continues" by Rep. Colleen Hanabusa, www.huffingtonpost.com. March 31, 2014.
“As a fighter, you have a weight cut, and if there's a weigh-in scene you want to look way smaller and depleted. You want there to be a noticeable difference between that and the fight day. You don't drink water, except for tiny sips, and you're not really eating anything, except for a tiny slice of sweet potato every hour.”
Source : Source: collider.com
“Coffee and smoking are the last great addictions.”
Source : Biography/Personal Quotes, www.imdb.com.